Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

Evil Is Hard, Cold And Brutal

Harold Keke was – is – a self-absorbed brute, as concerned only about his own fortunes as are too many American politicians. In 2004, Keke’s callous ruthlessness left Rev. Richard Carter, chaplain of the Anglican/Episcopalian Melanesian Brotherhood to observe:

“What I still find impossible to understand is the failure of imagination, or compassion, or heart with which people can commit atrocities without perceiving the suffering caused. Perhaps they do perceive and that is the horror of human cruelty, where pain is mocked, torture is sport and the inhuman takes on a diabolic logic of its own.”

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

No Need To Pay

Eighty-three-year-old Father Robert Terrence McCahill, M.M. (Bob Bhai - “brother Bob” - as he is known among Muslims in communities in which he has lived) began his life of service in Bangladesh in 1975.

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

Talking Parrots And Other Christmas Gifts

Have you ever wondered about God?

I don't mean prayed. Or even thought about God the way that theologians do with their strangely abstract ideas such as how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. But wondered - jumped into the awe and mystery of God, trying to sort Him out and make sense of God.

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

An Oooey Goooey Mango Christmas

Born on the Fourth of August – some might say a month too late for someone who could appropriately be described as a living fireworks show – with blonde hair and blue eyes inherited from his grandmother and mother, Mikey was as All-Miami as picadillo and pizza, frijoles negros and hot dogs, Cuban coffee and The Hurricanes and The Dolphins. But he’s always been a puzzlement.

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

Seeking The Light

Where to begin? Where, oh where to begin?

Let’s start with Kindness and, for Kindness’ sake, we won’t use some names. But. Because others have been well publicized, well…


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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

Giddy Boy

Willie James Howard was just like – and, in some ways, different from – many other fifteen-year-old boys in Live Oak, Florida in 1944. Because of his cheerful personality, his parents called their round-face, stocky son “Giddy Boy.” A classmate described him as clean, neat and always dressed nicely because he was an only child and his parents could afford to dress him well.

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

The Same Fate As The Poor

Because it doesn’t end with a zero, Thursday, December 2, the forty-second anniversary of the sexual assault and brutal murder – martyrdoms – of four “church women” will go unrecognized by too many Americans.

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

Thank You, Winston Churchill

“A lie gets halfway around the world before
the truth has a chance to get its pants on.”

Winston Churchill

When the Universe tips back to balance, there will be a special place in a prolonged Purgatory for Andrew Wakefield.

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

Moral And Venial Mendacity

Who are these people and when did The Almighty designate them “Divine Declarers?”

Yes! We said “Divine Declarers” - a whole new theological category, separate from priests, prophets and kings.

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

Fierce Kindness

In a too-tired world, the death of David Amess, a married father of five who was stabbed to death in Belfairs Methodist Church, serves as a call to reflection for the people of a nation that never knew him.

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes


After her father’s death when she was ten-years-old, Tracy Edwards began to get in trouble and fail academically – especially after her mother remarried and the family relocated from England to Wales. By age sixteen, she had been expelled from school, trekked across Europe and signed on as a stewardess (the title in the 1970s) on a luxury yacht; she learned navigation and worked her way from deckhand to first mate. She came to worldwide prominence in 1989, when she recruited the first-ever 12-woman crew and captained the 58-foot yacht Maiden through the 27,000 nautical mile Whitbread Round the World Race; the Maiden finished first in its class and second overall.

Why are you a bystander in your own life?
You’re supposed to be a star in your own life.

Tracy Edwards

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

Pity The Poor Folks of Idaho!

Pity the poor people of Idaho – one of the least vaccinated states in the nation!

It’s bad enough that their state’s major hospitals must now ration health care – meaning ICU beds will be allotted only to the patients most likely to survive.

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

He Would Have Laughed Out Loud

A Tennessee state legislator is a COVID coward who gives new meaning to the idea of betraying his family, those he represents and his very self.

Alexander Schmorell was a hero; today he is a saint.

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

How Can We Expect Righteousness To Prevail

In the era of the Great Lie of a stolen presidential election, the words of Sophie Scholl should resonate through the corridors of Congress and the streets of America:

“How can we expect righteousness to prevail
when there is hardly anyone willing to
give himself up individually to a righteous cause….”

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

Long Live Freedom!

It is rare that a man is prepared to pay with his life
for such a minimal achievement as causing cracks
in the edifice of the existing order.
Inge Scholl

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