Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

“Immigrants, We Get The Job Done”

Our father was the quintessential man of his times – member of The Greatest Generation, salesman, man of family and faith. I don’t think we ever heard him utter anything stronger than “damn.” His greatest insult: “Too stupid to come in out of the rain.”

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

The Earth Is Flat

It’s tempting to say “The world can use more men like Robert J. Schadewald.”


And true.

The greater truth would be to say “As self-proclaimed ‘Christians” continue to attack LGBT children and adults, the world could use new versions of Mr. Schadewald.”

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

Trolling So-Called Leaders

Remember “the good ole days” when some “trolling-the-gullible” politicians and “religious leaders” preyed (definitely not “prayed”) on their victims’ fears with the catchy accusation “They want to bring Sharia law to America”?

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

The Gift of Hospitality

The following is the eulogy/homily offered by Father Skip Flynn at the Memorial and Mass of the Resurrection for his mother, Mary T. Flynn, on Monday, June 14, 2021 at Epiphany Church, South Miami. Mrs. Flynn died on Thursday, June 3 at age 102.

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

Please Don’t Cringe!!!

Don’t cringe!


We promise we’ll tell you when to cringe.

The Vienna General Hospital was one of the largest in the world; its massive maternity unit was divided into two wards – one for male doctors and their male students and one for female midwives and their female students…

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

Four Lives

“…Evil is threatened by the love it cannot bear…”
Ursuline Sister Larraine Lauter,
Speaking of the torture of
American Ursuline Sister Dianna Ortiz in Guatemala in 1989

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes


It’s almost impossible to joke about anything this utterly ignorant, but…

What do you do when members of Congress appear ready to sign onto – or actually authorized - a document that reads “The treasure trove of data they have collected from Americans have given them powers….”

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

A Private Message

“Racism is a virus that quickly mutates and, instead of disappearing,
goes into hiding, and lurks in waiting.
Instances of racism continue to shame us,
for they show that our supposed social progress is
not as real or definitive as we think.”

Pope Francis

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

Blah Blah Blah

We’re sorry. But someone has to say it: If “blah, blah, blah” were a meal, many of America’s “religious leaders” would be master chefs. Instead, most simply remain silent while bigots, racists and political cowards promote the Big Lie and attempt to deny millions of Americans of their right to vote.

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

It’s Okay Not To Be Okay

After the American counselor finished a lecture on “The American Way of Death” at one of China’s most prestigious medical schools, he asked a simple question: “As doctors and nurses, how do you tell a patient that he or she has a terminal illness and there is nothing more you can do for him?”

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes


As the crow flies, it’s at least 80 miles from Bethsaida to Jerusalem and, although the Days of Unleavened Bread were still some time away, the urgency of the journey was palpable. The Teacher had said there was still much to share with his followers; yet the crowds - even in the tiniest hamlets - demanded to see him and his heart seemed filled with the pain of the widows and orphans, the lepers who had been rejected by their families, and the most physically and emotionally broken.

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

Those Cursing Benedictines

Wow! Could those pre-Middle Ages Benedictines curse!

They cursed landlords, people who were stealing their properties and just about anyone possibly doing them wrong. They cursed them at Mass and Vespers and in special ceremonies. And they cursed them for generation to generation for eternity.

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

The Days Are Coming

“There are just certain people who should never
see the light of day as free men or women.”

Rev. Francis J. Flynn, Psy.D., CAP

“Behold the days are coming…”

Look! They’re coming from the East?

Or the West! Or the North? Or is it the South?

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

Examining The Myth

Can someone explain “America is a ‘Judeo-Christian’ or ‘Christian’ nation?”

“I am the Lord your God.
Do not steal.
Do not lie.
Do not deceive one another…
Do not defraud or rob your neighbor…

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

The Bloody Truth

Those pesky kids!

There was a time when we sortta knew what to expect from them. But that seems to be slipping away with Climate Change.

No matter how close an eye we keep on them, they can wreak havoc!

And they don’t even have real names.

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

Prejudice Is Taught. Prejudice Must Be Fought!

Amaryllis Fox is one of those quiet heroes you’ve probably never heard of and may never hear about again. She worked for a decade as an undercover CIA agent, cultivating relationships with arms merchants and preventing them from selling fissile material to terrorist groups.

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

A Thick, Juicy Lenten Steak

In the “good ole days” of the Latin Mass and fish on Friday, it was easy to identify the classic Irish Catholic drunk.

[In those days, he was “a drunk” not today’s more sensitive “alcohol dependent individual.”]

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Healers Amy Hayes Healers Amy Hayes

Three Heroes And A Mob Of Traitorous Goons

In Lucian Read’s startling photo “Hell House,” Marine 1st Sgt. Bradley Kasal – nearly unconscious from loss of blood, unable to support his own weight after sheltering a fellow Marine from a grenade blast and still holding his pistol in his right hand and his Ka-Bar knife in his left – is carried to safety by Marine Lance Corporals Chris Marquez and Dane Schaffer. Kasal’s life-threatening injuries were sustained while he protected other wounded Marines during action in Fallujah in November 2004.

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