Election Cheating
Remember Rosie (the non-racer) Ruiz?
Her name often appears when you Google “biggest cheats in sports.” And, not so surprisingly, she serves as a paradigm for what we’re seeing in the closing days of the presidential election in “the world’s longest living democracy.”
Thou Shalt Not Be A Bystander
“One person can make a difference.”
Raoul Wallenberg
“Thou shalt not be a victim, thou shalt not be a perpetrator,
but, above all, thou shall not be a bystander.”
Yehuda Bauer
After The Earthquake
Half a century ago, the central plaza of Cochabamba had changed only incrementally over almost four centuries of Spanish occupation and Bolivia’s eventual liberation. At the plaza’s four corners, drivers of jury-rigged American vehicles from the 40s vied for the right-of-way by honking their horns during the day and flashing headlights at night.
A Man Without Guile
When someone shows you who they are believe them the first time.
People know themselves much better than you do.
That’s why it’s important to stop expecting them
to be something other than who they are.
Maya Angelou
Bell Ringing Fear
WOW! Dog whistles are cheap… ‘bout seven to seventeen bucks on Amazon. Problem is: Fear-feeding, fear-breeding politicians don’t use dog whistles – because they can’t be heard by human beings.
To Be Or To Honestly Be
Since we’re not supposed to “hate,” let’s just say that – even at 102 years old – Mrs. Flynn nurtures an extreme hostility toward Notre Dame football and onetime coach Lou Holtz.
Friends In High Places
There is nothing on this earth more to be prized
than true friendship.
Thomas Aquinas
He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends.
Oscar Wilde
He who hath many friends hath none.
Show my who your friends are, and I will tell you what you are.
Thou Shalt Not Text
You put your cell phone in; you put your cell phone out;
You put your cell phone in your mouth
And you shake it all about.
You put your Twitter in; you put your Twitter out….
To be sung to the tune of “The Hokey Pokey”
A Reading From The Profits
A startling headline from the Journal of Imaginary Archeology and Biblical Errancy:
First Century Parchments Explain the Moses Plagues
What Does It Profit…
Miami is crisscrossed by expressways connecting far southwestern suburbs and downtown Miami’s medical, court and entertainment centers - the go-to favorites of the Lexus-Beamer-Mercedes super self-important pack. They are also some of the most dangerous roads in South Florida, especially in the before-sunrise-after-the-clubs-have-closed hours.
Let Them Hear
Pretty sure a version of this story involves chopsticks and a Chinese banquet. In contemporary (“politically correct”) terms that might be “cultural appropriation.” Or it reflects a universal understanding of the consequences of good and evil.
Hell Is A Choice
The best “confession story” of all time belongs to then newly ordained Maryknoll Father Roy Bourgeois from Lutcher - just between Gramercy and Paulina – Louisiana. Two weeks after ordination, Roy was asked to hear second graders’ second confessions. All went well until a towheaded young man with a Cajun accent began, “Bless me, Father. It’s been two weeks since my last confession and this is my second confession and my sins are: I disobeyed three times, I told lies four times, I fought with my little brother. And I committed adultery fourteen times.” Things went downhill from there.
The Washington Post’s Fred Hiatt has sounded the alarm: “In China every day is Kristallnacht.” Writing on the eighty-first anniversary of that infamous Hitlerian night – November 3 2019, Hiatt noted, “It was in a sense the starting gun for the genocide that culminated in the extermination camps of Auschwitz, Sobibor and Treblinka. In western China, the demolition of mosques and bulldozing of cemeteries is a continuing, relentless process.”
Honest Reality
The conversation happened more than thirty years ago. My friend, one of the three most honest men I’ve ever known, declared with Gospel-certainty, “We don’t know anyone” affected or infected by HIV/AIDS. “Oh, wait,” interrupted his wife. “What about…? And then there’s…” The list began to grow and, in a minute or two, included six or seven men and women – all within two degrees of separation.
If America’s Leaders…
“They were so young! Boys! Farm boys!” he practically whispered. The urgency of his words made all the more serious by the coarseness of his voice as my friend, paralyzed now well more than three decades, sought to describe an Alabama Confederate cemetery he visited long ago.
The Whirlwind
It is coming. Surely! Certainly! Like a monstrous and all-destroying tornado still just far enough off that it cannot be seen, yet it can be heard as the air turns cold. The “them-ing,” the “they-ing,” the “those people-ing” and “other-ing” of America and, in 2020, too many cases of “Christians” and “communities of faith” are falling prey to the all-infecting “those people” message.
For Our Time
With all due respect to the playwright Robert Bolt, his hero, Sir Thomas More, was not A Man for All Seasons. He was a man of his time, caught-up in his own and other’s political and religious fervors, willing to send - and actually sending – those whom he believed were heretics to the Tower of London and to be burned to death at the stake.